Thank you for your interest in supporting Remnant Church!
For your convenience, we provide several different ways for you to give.
For support in US Dollars and to receive US tax giving credit, please give online through the Assemblies of God World Missions website. Click here to open the online giving portal in a new window. There, you can set up an account, make a recurring gift, or give using your credit/debit card or directly from your bank account.
For a detailed tutorial on how to set up an account and give, click here.
German Bank Transfer:​
Please use the following information for setting up a German bank transfer:
Bank Name: Sparkasse Amberg-Sulzbach
Account Holder: Bund Freikirchlicher Pfings, KdöR / RC
Konto Nr.: 21566930
IBAN: DE14 7525 0000 0021 5669 30
BLZ: 75250000
You can contribute your donation (dollar or euro) in the offering baskets at our church services. However, you WILL NOT receive giving credit this way.
About Giving:​
Remnant Church is a recognized non-profit association in Germany and registered with the government. We are supported exclusively through donations from members and friends. We receive no support from government subsidies or the “Church-Tax”, neither are membership fees collected. Donations to RC can be deducted on German taxes up to 20% of the value of one’s annual income. At the beginning of each year, we send out a Receipt of Giving for tax purposes for all gifts made through bank transfers. Please notify us of your mailing address to receive your giving receipt.
In order for you to receive giving credit for U.S. tax purposes, all gifts must be made online through the Assemblies of God World Missions website. At the end of the year, your giving statement for the IRS will be issued by the General Council of the Assemblies of God.